Let's support our elderly who gave their best days for us

How does LIA help support elderly people ?
By 2021 , 16 % of Kerala’s population would be elderly - many of whom are without any support - Help LIA give DIGNIFIED LIVING for our ELDERLY
LIA Foundation Elderly Support project aims the following
Encourage family level , stronger intergenerational bonding , counseling among lower income group families having an elder besides financial assistance to add to their lifetime savings.
Ensure and Provide financial support to low income group old aged persons who are widows , abandoned by their families or without any income to support themselves.
Provide free medical assistance by means of free monthly medicines , cataract operations, knee replacements as well as urgent intensive care support besides geriatric care.
LIA Foundation by its Elderly Support program only aims to augment and increase the coverage of the various schemes by the Government of Kerala for the old aged people. As a society it also becomes the responsibility of the public to ensure active participation to ensure 100 % coverage of social pension , healthcare besides health insurance to the elderly who gave their youth in building the nation.