LIA Foundation

We understand that gaining public trust is fundamental in delivering charity for public interest. All our transactions and donations are officially recorded and shared with our partners in order to make accountability real and genuine. All our staff associated with LIA are responsible in handling the resources allocated for addressing the needy. Our work and impact are legally monitored by all the trustees and stakeholders. We are guided by values, culture, and ethics in representing our beneficiaries and stakeholders.

All our operations are legally qualified to ensure complete financial accountability. We adhere to professional standards by auditing all our transactions, activities and financial transfers. By timely submitting and filing all the tax returns and documents, we reinforce our responsibilities to the government. Our services to humanity over the last two decades has been rooted in unbiased and trusted public image that echoes honesty and reality. We are self-driven in terms of gathering impetus to grow further with all our supporting ecosystems. Our pursuit to spread happiness and hope around the world will keep moving forward with excellence in administration and management.